
Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 06

Practice Test: Question Set - 06

1. The difference in level between the top of a bank and supply level in a canal, is called
    (A) Berm
    (B) Free board
    (C) Height of bank
    (D) None of these

2. If L is total length of a canal in kilometers, P is total perimeter of its lining in metres and C is the cost of lining per square metre, the additional expenditure involved on lining, is
    (A) 100 PLC
    (B) PLC/1000
    (C) PL/1000C
    (D) PC/100L

3. The crest level of a canal diversion head work, depends upon
    (A) F.S.L. of the canal
    (B) Discharge perimeters
    (C) Pond level
    (D) All the above

4. The most suitable location of a canal head work, is
    (A) Boulders stage of the river
    (B) Delta stage of the river
    (C) Rock stage of the river
    (D) Trough stage of the river

5. The length and width of a meander and also the width of the river, vary roughly as
    (A) Square root of the discharge
    (B) Discharge
    (C) Square of the discharge
    (D) Cube of the discharge

6. A land is said to be water-logged if its soil pores within
    (A) A depth of 40 cm are saturated
    (B) A depth of 50 cm are saturated
    (C) Root zone of the crops are saturated
    (D) All the above

7. V and R are the regime mean velocity and hydraulic mean depth respectively in meters. Lacey's silt factor f is
    (A) 2/√3 R
    (B) 3/4R
    (C) 5/2R
    (D) 2/5R

8. A counter berm is
    (A) A horizontal benching provided on the inside slope
    (B) A horizontal benching provided on the outside slope
    (C) A vertical benching provided on the outer edge of the bank
    (D) A vertical benching provided on the inner edge of the bank

9. While deciding the alignment of a proposed canal taking off from a river at B, three alignments of approximately equal lengths are available. These cross a drainages at C1Cand C3 where drainage bed levels C1 > C2 > C3, you will provide at site C3
    (A) An aqueduct
    (B) A syphon aqueduct
    (C) A super passage
    (D) A syphon

10. Canals constructed for draining off water from water logged areas, are known
    (A) Drains
    (B) Inundation canals
    (C) Valley canals
    (D) Contour canals

11. The Lacey's regime velocity is proportional to
    (A) R1/2 S3/4
    (B) Q3/4 S1/3
    (C) R3/4 S1/3
    (D) R2/3 S1/2

12. A fall in a canal bed is generally provided, if
    (A) Ground slope exceeds the designed bed slope
    (B) Designed bed slope exceeds the ground slope
    (C) Ground slope is practically the same as the designed bed slope
    (D) None of these

13. If the straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius R, make an angle θ with horizontal, the perimeter of the canal is
    (A) R (θ + tan θ)
    (B) 2R (θ + tan θ)
    (C) R (θ + cos θ)
    (D) 2R (θ + cos θ)

14. According to G.W. Pickles the effect of confining the flood water of a river between levee, is to increase
    (A) Rate of flood wave
    (B) Water surface elevation during floods
    (C) Maximum discharge
    (D) Surface slope of streams above the levied portion

15. F.S.L. of a canal at its head with respect to parent channel is kept
    (A) At the same level
    (B) 15 cm lower
    (C) 15 cm higher
    (D) None of these

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