Multiple Choice questions on Teaching Aptitude Set I

Q1    The point in favour of professional status of teachers is
A    Low interest
B    Low regard
C    Low salaries
D    Inservice education
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Q2    A teacher's first duty is to his
A    Principal
B    Community
C    Subject area
D    Students
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Q3    The most important single factor in teaching success is
A    Teachers personality
B    Teachers knowledge
C    Pupils preparation
D    Size of classes
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Q4    The reason most often given by men for selecting teaching profession is
A    Desire to serve society
B    Economic security
C    Prestige of the profession
D    The influence of parents
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Q5    Taking a book of another child without permission creates
A    None of the above
B    Problem
C    Cooperation
D    Conflict
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Q6    The function of a teacher is primarily that of a
A    Organizing experieneuE for the class
B    Transmission of heritage
C    Attending to the personal and spiritual needs of students
D    Guiding the children progress
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Q7    National Education Association (NEA) belongs to
A    United States of America
B    United Kingdom
C    Pakistan
D    India
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Q8    United States of America
A    ix-x
B    i-v
C    i-iv
D    vi-viii
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Q9    Secondary School Educators are appointed in BPS
A   16
B   17
C    9
D   14
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Q10    Physical health is necessary to build a balanced
A    Structure
B    Personality
C    Height
D    Image
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Q11    Which is not the domestic issue
A    Clashes with neighbors
B    Child abuse
C    Domestic violence
D    Mutual clashes of parents
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Q12    One should select a career in terms of
A    Salary
B    Social prestige
C    Values
D    None of the above
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Q13    The use of salary schedules came about as a result of
A    Unionism
B    Code of ethics
C    Code of ethics
D    Teacher Organization
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Q14    A teachers foremost duty is to
A    Develop relationship with heads
B    Train his students properly
C    Look after school problems
D    Build relationship with community
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Q15    The students respect the teacher due to his
A    Good will and personal integrity
B    Legal authority
C    Parents - substitute
D    Power of grading (marks)
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Q16    The primary responsibility for determining the aims of education should be of
A    Administrator
B    Society
C    Parents
D    Teacher
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Q17    According to 'John Dewey', education i8
A    Preparation for life
B    Learning to do by doing
C    Getting knowledge
D    Getting to do things
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Q18    Teacher Training Programmes are conducted by
A    Govt. Colleges for Elementary Teachers
B    All above
C    Allama Iqbal Open University
D    University of Education
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Q19    Teacher plays a role in
A    Mental development
B    Emotional ilevelopment
C    Moral development
D    All of the above
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Q20    The biggest weakness in teacher training programme is
A    Lack of enough professional courses
B    Lack in disciplining pupils
C    Lack of enough experiences with pupils
D    Lack of emphasis on subject
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