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QUESTIONS FROM Lecturer TEST  education 2015.

UNESCO suggested GNP % for education in developing countries at Karachi seminar 1960. (4%)
The branch of philosophy deals with knowledge. ( epistemology)
The branch of philosophy deals with reality. (ontology)
The branch of philosophy deals with values. (axiology)
Minimum sample size in an experimental research is. (30)
“Effect of teaching method on students learnig” this study is. (experimental)
Indepth study of an individual is made in. (case study)
Sample for the purpose of a research should be. (representative of population)
20th century existentialist is. (jean paul sarte)
Educational psychology is study of teachin and learning in classroom by. (william james)
SNE stands for. (schedule of new expenditure)
BOS stands for. (board of studies)
Which is most important for learning? (desire to know)
Dialect method was presented by. (socratese)
Old concept of supervision is .(inspection)
Who belong to non vocation department. (principal)
Technical education was first of all recommended in. ( conference 1947)
Text book board was recommended in. (1959 policy)
Programmed learning main focus is on. (self study)
Micro teaching is used for training. (teachers)
Lowest level of data is. (nominal)
Table of specification helps in . ( test development)
New concept of supervision is. (mentoring teachers)
Purpose of education according to realism is. (overall development)
Charter act was presented in. (1813)
Indian education commision head is. (william hunter)
Anjuman hamayt.e.Islam was initiated by. (caliph hameed. Ud.din)
Hierarchy of needs was presented by. (maslow)
The type of leadership that focuses to encourage and motivae staff for creative work. (transformational leadership)
Officers writen their views after inspection of institution in. (log book)
Every system of education is basws upon its.(ideology of nation)
Classical conditioning was presented by. (pavlov)
The term I.Q. was presented by. (stern)
Adjusting new schemes according to old schemes is .(assimilation)
The founder of psychosocial development theory was. ( erickson)
Curriculum change is done after. (curriculum evaluation)
In norm referenced test the comparison is made between. ( individuals)
Activities and experiences for students learning are planned on the basis of. (design)
The main focus of NEP 1979 or 1978 is on. (elementary education)
Comission on national education (1959) is formed during. (Ayub period)
Old books are preffered in. (perenialism)
The difference of a value from average mean difference is called. (standard deviation)
Highest level of cognitiev domain is. (evaluation)
Knowledge is compartmentalized in. (subject centred curriculum)
Non.planned learning is. (informal)
Through observation we learn .(75%)
Wood despatch was presented in. (1854)
Scietific society was founded by. (sir syed ahmad khan)
Nadwa tul ulma was founded by. (Molana Shibli Nomani)
ECE fail to succeed in pakistan due to. ( untrained teachers)
Method based on the philophy of john dewey. (activity centred)
Method in which students fully free . ( child centred)
Free education upto 10th was firstly recommended in. (NEP 1972)
Pilot testing is conducted for . (validity)
The difference between plan and policy is. ( shorter and broader)
From many ideas the student comes to one idea. (convergent thinker)
Which of the following methods is used in natural situation. (project method)
Which movement if failed due to opposing two nation theory. (jamia milia islamia)
First step in management of an organisation is. (plaaning)
In POSDCORB “co” stands for. (coordination)
Techer made tests major used as (formative assessment)
I.Q. of gifted child is. ( above 140)
CAI stands for. (computer assisted instruction)
Education is creation of a sound mind in a sound body. ( aristotle)
Knowledge is taken as a whole in. (gestalt psychology)
Change agents are. (teachers)
Macaulay minutes are approved in. (1835)
Curriculum provides guidelines to. (students)
Employees are fully free in. (lassize faire)
Aligarh school was elevated to college in. (1877)
Improtant in teachin is. (teachers student relationship)
Urdu was used as a medium of instruction in. (jamia milia islamia)
Systematic and efficient working of school is based on. (time table)
Term bureaucracy was firstly used by. (max webber)
Philosophy provides. (aims of education)
Latest techniques used for instruction are through. (a.v.aids)
List of topics is. (syllabus)
Punjab text book board is responsible for. (printing books)
All are elements of curriculum except. (design)
All activities and experiences in school are. (curriculum)
Founder of psychoanalysis is. (freud)
Which of the test provides more guessing. (true false)
Internal forces or motivation that force a person to initiate are. (intrinsic motivation)
Being science of wisdon philosophy aims at search for. (reality)
Staff development means. (training staff)
www stands for. (world wide web)
what, when, why and how to teach are questions of. ( educational psychology)
POSDCORD is presented by. (Gullick)
Education from brith to death is. (informal)
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