PPSC solved paper of Headmaster for FPSC, PPSC AND LECTURER IN EDCATION.

PPSC Headmaster / Dy. Headmaster test Solved Question paper 2015 for Lecturer in Education, CSS, FPSC, NTS, PPSC and other exams.
1.Teacher State And Perform In (Demonstration Method)
2. Motivation In Which Done Something For Own Sake. (Intrinsic)
3. John Dewey Thoughts Reflect In (Learner Centered Curriculum)
4. Who Is Not Curriculum Practitioner. (Curriculum Expert)
5. Islamic And Non Governmental (Dar Ul Uloom Deoband)
6. Supervision Characterized As: (Improvement Of Learning)
7. Final Approval Of Curriculum (Ministry Of Education)
8. Inspection Concept Started (England)
9. Determining Good Or Bad Of Something (Axiology)
10. Head Treat Strictly In (Theory X)
11. Profession Is (Job)
12. Shah Wali Ullah Philosophy (Realism)
13. Individual Living In Society (Existentialism)
14. Effective Leadership Is Due To Traits,And Behaviour Of Leader (Trait
15. Which Method Make Educational Psychology A Science
16. Education Objectives Derived From ( Society)
17. Socratic Method (Dialectic Method) But Doubted.
18. Acquittance Roll (Salary Disbursement)
19. National Curriculum Is(Intended)
20. Route Learning Is Demerit Of (Subject Centered Curriculum)
21. Projector Which Project The Image On Transparent Screen ( Film)
22. This Question Was About School Curriculum. Forgotten
23. Dy. Deo Works On ( Tehsil Level)
24. Norm Reference Test (Individual)
25. Hilda Tiba Definition Of Curriculum.
26. Projective Techniques Measure (Personality)
27. Real Mentoring In School On The Base Of Relations. (Social)
28. Father Of Modern Management Theory (Fayol)
29. Articles Purchased (Contingent Register)
30. Adaptations Of Piageten Theory (Assimilation And Accommodation)
31. Separate State For Muslims On Bases Of (Religion And Culture)
32. Jamia Milia Medium Of Instruction (Urdu)
33. Successful Working Of School Depend (Suitable Time Table)
34. 1St Educational Conference Presided By (Fazal Ur Rehman)
35. Crow N Crow Definition Of Education.
36. Al Ghazali Study (Philosophy) For Quest.
37. Process Of Education (Birth To Death)
38. Scientific And Technical Knowledge Obtained From (Experimental
And Observation)
39. Practical Aspect Of Philosophy(Learning)
40. Rousseau Statement About His Philosophy Naturalism.
41. Dewey Statement About Experience.
42. Levels Of Education In Pakistan ( 5)
43. Teacher Ask Questions In Class ( To Make Attentive)
44. Full Flagged Education Institutions Are Established In Universities To
Improve (Research)
45. Literal Meaning Of Curriculum (Path)
46. Cognition Referred To. (Thinking)
47. Experiment Data Is Collected For: Is Tarha Ka Question Tha.
48. Education Is To Think, To : (Behave)
49. Attention Is (Mental Activity)
50. Modern Supervision In Its Broader Sense. (Leadership)
51. Transition Of Culture Due To (School)
52. Charter Act Medium (English)
53. Computer Education First Introduced In Pakistan (1992 Policy)
54. Kg School By (Froebel)
55. Curriculum Should Be Improved For (Emerging New Knowledge)
56. Outline Of Topics (Syllabus)
57. Teacher Efforts Are Less In (Subject Centered Curriculum)
58. Pedagogy (Teaching Method)
59. Real Test Is Achievement Of (Students Learning)
60. Practice Made In ( Drill Method)
61. Highest Level Of Cognitive Domain ( Evaluation)
63. Micro Teaching Related To (Skills)
64. Not Non Verbal ( Conversation)
65. Mcqs Provide Broad Area Of (Contents)
66. Application Of Philosophy Directs , Ans Forgotten.
67. Not Hereditary Factor (Diet)
68. First Intelligence Test (Binet)
69. Iq (Intelligence Quotient)
70. Seek Problem During Process Is (Formative Evaluation)
71. Posdcorb, P Is (Planning)
72. Blue Print Includes Experiences For (Learner)
73. Axiology Deals With (Values)
74. No System Is Good Without Teachers, (1959 Commission)
75. Drama At School Level Ignore Sometimes. I Select (Refreshments
And Enjoyment) But Later Feel Is It (Do Make Rehearsals)
76. Teaching At Elementary Level ( Activity Based)
77. Students Respect Teachers Due To ( Personal Integrity Of Teacher)
78. Which Philosophy Answer This Question, How Can We
Communicate With Others Without Personal Contradictions. (Axiology)
79. Evaluation Is (Value Judgement Of Student’S Learning)
80. Which Is Not Data Collector ( Observation)
81. Socio Situational Theory ( Bandura)
82. Knowledge From Allah (Revelation)
83. In Classroom We Observe (Objectives)
84. Pec ( Punjab Examination Commission)
85. When Head Direct Teachers To Do Something (Leadership)
86. Graph With Value Changes (Pie) Doubted
87. Solo Phases (5)
88. Desirable Modes Of Behaviour Of Society (Morals) Doubted
89. Analysis,Synthesis And Evaluative Measures Of Student Through(
90. Facial Expressions, Body Language (Non Verbal)
91. Concept Of Free Educatio ( Karl Marx) Doubted
92. Research Start From ( Problem)
93. Drawing And Implementation Of Curricula, Draw Concept From
(Culture Or Nation)
94. Heart Of Management (Planning)
95. Communication Without Words ( Non Verbal)
96. Goals Are Based On Selection Of ( Ans Forgotten)
97. Curriculum With Minimum Books ( Integrated Curriculum)
98. Project, Role Play, Experiment, Lab Methods R ( Doing Methods)
99. Ibn E Khaldun Was Against ( Question Answer Method)
100. Not A Good Data Collector (Observation)
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