Pedagogy notes for Educator NTS Test ESE,SESE and SSE

1. Which one of the following statements is not suitable for teachers.
(a) They really take interest in students
(b) They are capable of guiding students and maintaining discipline
(c) They are not interested in moulding themselves according to the new situation
(d) They are very much enthusiastic about such tasks as are done by teachers
2. The aim of a teacher is
(a) to help students get through in the examination
(b) to make students disciplined
(c) to develop the abilities of students
(d) to develop the social behaviours among students
3. Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
(a) Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
(b) To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
(c) To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
(d) To assists the students
4. A teacher with sober thoughts, in accordance with the rules
(a) allows students to, make mistakes but instructs them to reduce the number of such
(b) instructs his students not to commit any mistake at any point of time
(c) takes so many. precautions so that students never make mistakes
(d) give right punishment to those students who make mistakes
5. If a teacher has to prove his credibility in the evaluation of answer booklets, then he
should be
(a) dutiful
(b) very much regular
(c) impartial
(d) high-handed
6. The lecture will be communicated more effectively if teachers
(a) read the prepared notes
(b) prepares good notes in advance and use them as their guides
(c) engage students in immediate discussions
(d) quote examples from other teaching sessions/lectures and engage students in
immediate discussions
7. As a teacher, what will you do if students do not attend your class?
(a) Blame students for their absence from the class
(b) Ponder over the present attitude of students in a calm manner
(c) Think about using some interesting techniques of teaching
(d) Try to understand the reasons (for this behaviour) and try to eliminate them
8. Those students, who frequently ask questions in the class
(a) should be advised to meet the teacher outside the classroom
(b) should be encouraged to take part in debates in the class
(c) should be encouraged to find out the answers on their own
(d) should be encouraged to ask questions on a continuous basis
9. Teachers should not have such expectations from their students as are beyond the
development stage of the latter. If the former do so they
(a) generate inferiority
(b) generate inferiority, high levels of tension and perplexity among students
(c) generate motivation among students to learn more
(d) None of these
10. The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to the
maximum possible extent. This indicates that
(a) the teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable
they are
(b) they should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are
helpful in their development to the maximum extent.
(c) it is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
(d) All of these
11. One will have more chances of being successful as a teacher, if
(a) He belongs to the family of teachers
(b) He is trained in teaching
(c) He has ethical values and a good character
(d) He can organize his teaching material systematically and conveys the same
12. Effective teaching is a function of
(a) Clear and precise communication
(b) Perfect classroom discipline
(c) Regular teaching
(d) Students self-learning
13. Which of the following is most desirable for a teacher?
(a) To be punctual in the class
(b) Clear, precise, and systematic presentation of the subject-matter.
(c) To be strict disciplinarian
(d) To be permissive in the class
14. A good teacher is one who
(a) is highly intelligent
(b) lives simple life
(c) has mastery over his teaching subject
(d) has genuine interest in his students
15. The teacher should
(a) keep distance with his students
(b) help the students to get good marks
(c) do whatever is needed to promote the welfare of his students
(d) teach well and think that his job is over
16. Which of the following is most important for a teacher?
(a) Classroom discipline
(b) Subject he is teaching
(c) Students of the class
(d) Time available for teaching
17. What I like about teaching is that it is the
(a) Most peaceful job
(b) Resort of even the least competent persons
(c) Most challenging job
(d) Most lucrative job because of the scope for private tuition
18. Which is the most sensible idea about teaching and research?
(a) They are two entirely different kinds of activities
(b) They cannot go together
(c) Thy are two sides of the same coin
(d) They interfere with each other
19. A good teacher is one who
(a) Reads a lot
(b) Publishes lots of research gaper
(c). Teaches well
(d) Cooperates well with the principal
20. I will appreciate the teacher who
(a) has strict control over his students
(b) knows the problems of students and helps them
(c) is friendly with the students
(d) has a charming personality
21. Four children are abused by a fifth one, All these four children react differently to the
abuse and the ways in which they react are listed below. Which one of the reactions
shows the maximum emotional maturity?
(a) Retorts with another abuse
(b) Runs away from the scene
(c) Keeps silent
(d) Gives turn to the situation with humour
22. Communication will be effective
(a) if it is delivered slowly and clearly
(b) if it is delivered in a calm situation
(c) if it reaches the receiver completely
(d) if it reaches the receiver as intended by the sender
23. Communication in the classroom often fails because
(a) the students are inattentive
(b) the teacher is monotonous in delivering the message
(c) the students have no interest in the lesson being taught
(d) there is very much noise in and around the classroom
24. Which of the following will make communication more effective?
(a) Cutting jokes in between
(b) Using multi-sensory appeal
(c) Speaking with high authority
(d) Telling what is useful to the listeners
25. Teaching will be effective if the teacher
(a) is a master of the subject
(b) has much experience in teaching the subject
(c) starts from what students know already
(d) uses many instructional aids
26. One can be a good teacher, if he
(a) has genuine interest in teaching
(b) knows how to control students
(c) knows his subject
(d) has good expression
27. A college teacher will really help the students when she
(a) dictates notes in the class
(b) is objective in her evaluation
(c) encourages students to ask questions
(d) covers the syllabus completely in the class
28. Which is the more desirable outcome of teaching in higher education?
(a) Increase student’s achievement
(b) Increase in the level of independent thinking of students
(c) Higher percentage of result
(d) Increase in the number of students who opt for the subject
29. Which of the following statements has the high probability of being correct as applied
to higher education?
(a) All students cannot learn and so all do not learn
(b) All students can learn but all do not learn
(c) All students can learn and so all learn
(d) All students cannot learn but all want to learn
30. A teacher has to be
(a) a strict disciplinarian
(b) well versed in the subject
(c) a continuous learner in the subject
(d) sympathetic towards slow learners
31. In higher education, research and teaching are two different activities that
(a) cannot go together
(b) can go, if at all, only in sequential order
(c) can go together
(d) can go together only at the, expense of each other
32. The facial expressions of students relate to which element of the communication
(a) Message
(b) Receiver
(c) Channel
(d) Sender
33. Which, is most desirable?
(a) The teacher should make good use of the black-board
(b) The teacher should speak clearly and loudly
(c) The teacher should not allow students to make noise in the class
(d) The teacher shouldexp1ain as simply as possible difficult aspects of the subjectmatter
34, Which is the least important in teaching?
(a) Punishing the students
(b) Maintaining discipline in the class
(c) Lecturing in impressive ways
(d) Drawing sketches and diagrams on the black-board if needed
35. Absenteeism in the class can be minimized by
(a) telling students that it is bad to be absent in the class
(b) punishing the students
(c) teaching the class effectively and regularly
(d) ignoring the fact of absenteeism
36. The most important skill of teaching is
(a) making students understand what the teacher says
(b) covering the course prescribed in his subject
(c) keeping students relaxed while teaching
(d) taking classes regularly
37. Students learn more from a teacher who is
(a) affectionate
(b) one who communicates his ideas precisely and clearly
(c) gentle
(d) hard working
38. Effective teaching, by and large, is a function of
(a) Teacher’s scholarship
(b) Teacher’s honesty
(c) Teacher’s making students learn and understand
(d) Teacher’s liking for the job of teaching
39. My reaction to the statement “A good teacher is essentially a good researcher” is that
this is
(a) My firm belief
(b) Something I find difficult to agree to
(c) Something which I accept only as an opinion
(d) Only a hypothesis
40. The psychological aspects of the classroom are best managed by
(a) the class teacher
(b) the subject teacher
(c) the principal
(d) the students themselves
41. Which is “feedback” in the newspaper’s communication?
(a) Articles
(b) Editorials
(c) Letters to the Editor
(d) News
42. Which of the following steps would you consider first for an effective
(a) Select the channel of communication
(b) Plan the evaluation procedure
(c) Specify the objectives of communication
(d) Identify various media for communication
43. Books can be powerful source of communication, provided
(a) content is abstract
(b) content is illustrative
(c) Medium is Hindi
(d) content is presented through good print
44. To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should
(a) discuss with colleagues
(b) analyze responses of students
(c) keep him/herself abreast of development in the area in his/her subject
(d) publish his/her writings
45. Meaningful learning takes place when
(a) students are interested in the topics taught
(b) explanations are given within the reach of the students
(c) the new content being taught is related to the previous knowledge of the students
(d) students raise questions and get them clarified
46. A teacher is effective if he/she
(a) explains everything in the class
(b) repeats explanations for each student
(c) provides a variety of learning experiences
(d) answers all questions raised by students
47. Majority of students in a large class are found dozing. There may be something
wrong with
(a) the students concerned
(b) the teaching process
(c) the content taught
(d) the time of inst
48. Generalizability of a new teaching method can be tested through research across
(a) Different teachers
(b) Different subjects
(c) Different levels/grades
(d) All the above
49. Good teaching is best reflected by
(a) attendance of students
(b) number of distinctions
(c) meaningful questions asked by students
(d) pin-drop silence in the class
50. The main aim of classroom teaching is
(a) to give information
(b) to develop inquiring mind
(c) to develop personality of students
(d) to help students pass examinations

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